Update News :
अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय बस टर्मिनल पटना में आपका स्वागत है| अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय बस टर्मिनल पटना में आपका स्वागत है| अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय बस टर्मिनल पटना में आपका स्वागत है|

Shri Nitish kumar
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Bihar

Shri Jibesh Kumar
Hon'ble Minister UD&HD

Shri Anand Kishore
IAS, Principal Secretary, UDHD

Shri Dharmendra Singh

Dr.Chandrashekhar Singh
IAS, D. M, Patna, Bihar

Shri Animesh Kr. Parashar
Municipal Commissioner, Patna
Welcome to the Patliputra ISBT Patna
Patliputra ISBT is one of the most important project by Government of Bihar to organize the bus services. The ISBT is developed with state of the art facilities to make your bus travel hassle free. Patliputra Bus Terminal is situated at Bairiya, Patna.
Notices / Tenders :
- Tender for 3000 sqmt plot of land by way of lease
- Notice for inviting quotation for multiple Financial Works
- Corrigendum-2 – Plot or land by way of lease for retail outlet
- Revised Time Schedule of Bidding Process (Letter -II Dated 27-01-2025)
- Housekeeping services and cleaning works at ISBT (NIT No-3/2024-25/Patna (Group-I)
- Integrated Security services at ISBT (NIT No-3/2024-25/Patna (Group-II)
- Providing Human Resources for PBT office at ISBT (NIT No-3/2024-25/Patna (Group-III)
- Tender Notice (Plot lease) PBT/EC/Project/21/22-01 Dated 01/01/2025
- Reauction Notice (Patliputra Bus Terminal) PBT/EC/Project/21/22-02 Dated 01/01/2025
- Tender PBT/EC/Project/21/22-03 dated 15-11-2024
Click here for Auction Noitice | NIT Details - Retender notice for multiple Items / services No. 02/2024-2025/Patna
- Notice for Bidder regarding Re-eAuction
- Tender for Bus Stand auction 2024 | Revised Timing
- Tender for RO & Water cooler supply
- Tender for Steel Chairs supply
- Tender for barricading & railing work.
- Auction Notice date 14-Sep-2023
- Tender for Multiple items services | Corrigendum
- Tender for installation of smart pole
- Tender for Bus Stand auction
- Tender Document for ticket printing
- Tender Notice for CCTV Camera
- Tender Notice for Locker / Drawer
- Re-auction Notice (PBT/EC/Project/21/22-157 dated 24-Nov-2022)